March 1-4, 2018 Seattle experienced the 15th Annual Comic Con, with an attendance of over 90,000 comic book, sci-fi, and pop culture fans. Comic Con has come a long way since 2003 when the first convention hosted a little over 2500 attendees.


Comic Con Panel 2018

The convention features a wide array of activities and programming including industry guests, celebrity signings, and costume contests. This year West Seattle’s own Unified Outreach was featured in dual roles as both 2D instructional coaches in the Family HQ area, and as panelists in the 2D animation network forum on Saturday night, discussing their animated cartoon series “Meet the Mascots.”

cd-coverWest Seattle families know Unified Outreach from their 10+ year operating history in the West Seattle Junction where they offer a variety of programs each year; including a summer day camp focusing on cartoon animation, and an annual Youth Fashion & Runway event culminating a work-readiness-in-the-Arts program for at-risk youth.  This year’s Fashion Show is scheduled to happen at the end of August; you don’t want to miss it!



Clayton Bragg is a member of the Unified Outreach team and was a featured speaker at the Saturday night panel where he spoke about his work as a voice-over artist and musician (having recently released a new song and video with Seattle icon Raz Kaz). Clayton was born with a heart defect and cerebral palsy; but that hasn’t stopped him from actively pursuing a career in the arts and sharing his motivational story with kids of all ages.


Sammy Tekle Vicious PuppiesSammy Tekle is a former Unified Outreach student and current Unified Outreach staff member; teaching classes in cartoon animation, music production, and breakdancing.


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For more information contact Unified Outreach at UnifiedOutreach@Hotmail.com or (206) 371-1139.